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Course Description: This course will enable students to develop a personally integrated career portfolio with resumes. The course will be devoted to active exploration of personal style assessments, documentation of transferable skills, development of personal profile sheet, documentation of academic history, networking and interviewing skills, other research techniques, job search skills and the formulation of a long-range career/life plan. Due to the intensity of self-study, assessment and documentation required in this course, students will spend an extraordinary amount of time working outside of a classroom. Faculty will be available by appointment during regular office hours.
Desired Student Competencies: The successful student will be able to:
Required text: Current Edition of What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles, Ten Speed Press. Available at almost any regular bookstore or on line. Only the current edition will be acceptable.
Course calendar: you are responsible for meeting with me to begin the course, then monthly, to share your progress on your portfolio. If you do not demonstrate adequate progress at each monthly meeting, you may be dropped..
Since this is a self-study course, adequate progression in assignments will be used as criteria of proof of attendance/participation. 25% of your work must be complete by your first monthly meeting with me; 50% by your second monthly meeting with me; 75% by your third monthly meeting with me, and 100% by fourth monthly meeting, when you must meet with me during office hours to turn in and discuss your portfolio. Any student who does not meet this criteria will not pass this course.
A portfolio in a nice, professional binder, with dividers, all professionally and neatly styled and completed, (computer typed, double spaced where possible) to include:
Community Service Component: You are also required to work 2-3 hours per month for community service as an intern or volunteer. Without fulfilling these hours, you will not pass this course.
Special needs: If, due to a disability, you can not fulfill some obligations of this course, please discuss this with me immediately. Since this is basically a self-study course, there is some flexibility but any accommodations must be formally contracted with me.