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Second Annual Advocacy Conference-
Learn it! Live it! Love it!
June 28, 2014
We are seeking workshop proposals for the 2014 Advocate NH annual conference to be held at the Grappone Center in Concord on June 28, 2014. Each workshop is scheduled for 75 minutes. Proposals will be presented to and reviewed by the conference committee. A limited number of proposals will be selected and presenters will be notified as to the status of their submission. This is an advocacy conference so all workshops must include a person or persons with and without a developmental disability.
Kestrel Cole-McCrea is a 20 year old young man who has struggled with many developmental issues, to include autism since his birth with fetal alcohol/drug syndrome. He struggles to be seen for who he is, rather than as someone who fits into a clinical category. He struggles to be accepted by the public as a person who has a severe and significant disability when it doesn’t appear that he has a disability at all, on first impression.
Dr. Candace Cole-McCrea, his adoptive mother will talk about his social history and how very often the misperceptions and beliefs of the people around Kestrel, including professional helpers, is more disabling to Kestrel than is his actual disability. People usually expect too much or too little of Kestrel or expect him to be able to function exactly like they do.
Kestrel and his mother will discuss these issues, hoping to enlighten the audience in how our died-in-the-wool beliefs influence our perceptions and distort our views of others, while limiting their abilities to be themselves and find creative solutions in the world.
9:00am - 4:00pm
Download presenter proposal form.