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Press Release—State Rep candidacy
Candace Cole-McCrea announces her candidacy for representative to the NH state legislature, to represent and serve the communities of Milton and Middleton. Elections will be in November 2014.
Candace has lived in Milton for almost 20 years and been active in local and state government. She is currently the governor’s appointee, representing Strafford County, to the NH State Council on Aging. She also serves as a governor’s appointee to the Department of Education’s Council on Special Education.
She serves on the state’s Elder Rights Council, the Disability Rights Board, and the State’s Mental Health Planning Council.
In Milton, she has served as library trustee and as a school board member.
As a retired educator, she has developed and taught effective life-changing programs within low-income housing and jails and prisons. She has also taught similar programs for seniors and persons with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities.
She also teaches courses in American Indian culture, as she, herself is of Mohawk heritage and ancestry. She also teaches courses in pain management with a goal of lessening or eliminating use of pain medications.
Candace is a widow who has served as a foster parent for infants and small children with critical health care needs. She has parented her biological son, adopted son, step-children and many foster children. She has professional credentials and experience in the area of autism, mental illness and disabilities.
Candace has been published professionally and publicly. Her latest publication is a children’s book, designed to encourage mutual respect and understanding of diversity, entitled “The Seeing Eye Dog: A Story of Brotherly Love”.
To support Candace or to learn more about her concerns, please visit her webpage www.democracy.com/CandaceCole-McCrea or call her at 603 652-7594. Candace’s fiscal agent is Greg Burdwood. Financial support should be sent to him at 1 Cedarbrook Drive, Dover, NH 0320 with your contact information so Candace can personally thank you.