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Christmas—a poem by Candace Cole-McCrea
Jingle bells Jingle bells
Sparkle in the snow
Shadow of young woman pressed against upstairs window
Light behind her
Full moon high above roof
Star light Star bright
Sparkle in the snow
Can’t see her face
Blackness pressed against window
Light behind her down long hallway
Shadow of young woman pressed against upstairs window
Looking out towards tree of bright colored lights
Reflections in the snow
Jingle bells Jingle bells
Sparkle in the snow
We wonder
My friend and I
Outside down below…
What does she feel…
How does it feel…
To be locked in the upstairs ward of an institution
On Christmas
This holiest, merriest of days.
Jingle bells Jingle bells
Star light Star bright
Sparkle in the snow
We do not feel a
Factory-produced, profit-making
Hallmark card
Of hope and good cheer